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Bookkeeping is a critical function for any business or organization because financial health should inform every decision. 然而, not all bookkeepers have the necessary skill set to interpret data in ways that help businesses drive peak performance. 这就是获得簿记认证可以产生巨大影响的地方. 

根据 劳工统计局, 约170,200个会计职位空缺, 会计和审计人员每年都要安排, 平均, 十年来. 获得专业证书的记账员更有优势.
“很多人自称是记账员, but a certification demonstrates that an individual has the skills required to produce accurate financial data,安妮特·霍尔泽说, MT, 注册会计师, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行会计系主任. "A person certified in bookkeeping is demonstrating that they are at the top of their profession—similar to 注册会计师s being the best in the accounting field."

每个组织都需要有人准确地记录财务交易, 但这仅仅是个开始. Bookkeepers looking to make an impact within an organization 和 advance their careers need to demonstrate their value in many ways. 获得认证是一个很好的开始.

准备好进入会计行业了? 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.

1. 成为簿记员需要什么资格?

簿记员的核心工作是为组织提供财务记录. It's a profession that requires meticulous records 和 extreme attention to detail—because accuracy matters. 例如, accurate records are essential for tax preparation 和 assessment of the performance of a business. 除了, business owners 和 organizations depend upon accurate bookkeeping as a basis for their decision-making.
根据领先的劳动力分析公司EMSI, 成为一名簿记员的要求通常包括扎实的会计技能, 应付及应收帐款, 金融, 数据输入, 审计, 账单和财务报表. It’s a sizable list where c和idates benefit from investing in courses that show a commitment to the profession. 例如, bookkeepers should know how to work with existing 和 emerging software including Microsoft Excel, 工资单和快速账本.
而记账员并不一定需要高学历, 他们确实需要学习使记账成为可能的工具和技术,霍尔泽说. "Those skills are beneficial to employers for which they may be willing to pay higher salaries." 

2. 什么是簿记认证?

A bookkeeping certification is a professional designation that indicates a person's skill level in bookkeeping subjects related to managing a company's financial statements 和 transactions. 证书可以通过大学或认可的专业协会获得. 
通过投资认证, 记账员为职业发展和经济回报创造了机会. 而簿记员的平均工资是40美元,1万美元一年, professionals who can demonstrate skills in helping employers manage their businesses could earn much more. 因此,虽然簿记员不需要获得认证就可以受雇, investing the time to earn credentials can help by creating job opportunities 和 exp和ing earning potential. 

3. 最受欢迎的簿记认证课程是什么?

当涉及到记账认证, two programs continuously rise to the top for being nationally recognized: the 全国注册会计师协会 (CPB) 和 the 美国专业簿记员协会 (AIPB). 
NACPB is best suited for people with a bachelor's or associate degree in accounting. 的 certification is recognized throughout the United States 和 its properties 和 assures employers of bookkeeping knowledge 和 skill. 考生需要通过正式考试, 同意遵守职业行为准则, 每年进行持续教育课程,并申请执照. 也可通过相当于4年的工作经验颁发证书,000小时的簿记员或会计工作. 

AIPB is best suited for people with no formal education but at least two years of experience in the field. 课程准备考生参加国家注册记账员(CB)考试, 哪些测试工资知识, 折旧, 库存等等. 除了, 考生必须提交申请, 符合工作经验要求, 通过四部分考试, 遵守职业道德准则, 每年完成24小时的继续教育.
“而在过去,获得认证是可选的, 现在这已经成为职位描述上的必备条件,霍尔泽说. "Employers seek highly qualified 和 skilled bookkeepers who can provide added value." 

4. 记账有微凭证吗?

Microcredential programs allow professionals to attain new skills without pursuing collegiate study. 这些课程通常是完全在线的, 提供方便快捷的教材, 测试平台, 和更多的. 
例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, students can earn accounting-related professional certificates through the FranklinWORKS Marketplace, 包括 Microsoft Excel技能Intuit记账. 的se certificate programs equip professionals with the skills they need to do their job well 和 st和 out among other job c和idates. 

  • Students develop the ability to interact with, organize, 和 think critically about data information. 
  • 他们为税收建立了基于数据的财务决策模型, 审计和管理决策.
  • 随着时间的推移, they determine the root cause 和 solutions to business financial problems based purely on data analysis.
  • 最后,他们设计新的业务流程和高效的系统.

的se 100% online certificate programs are perfect for c和idates who want to boost their accounting career, prepare for the 注册会计师 exam or better underst和 how data analysis capabilities can enhance various accounting roles. 这是对专业发展的明智投资, 更重要的是, 它可以在不到一年的时间内完成. 

5. 为什么要考簿记资格证?

Bookkeepers who invest in continuing education 和 certification increase their marketability in the industry. 雇主寻找最优秀的人才, 和 certification signals a commitment to the profession 和 continuing excellence.

  • Certification allows bookkeepers to underst和 data collection 和 interpret data in ways that help leaders make informed decisions.
  • 越来越多的雇主在工作要求中增加认证, 为那些投资继续教育的人提供机会.
  • 许多人自称是记账员, but certification demonstrates that an individual actually has the skills required to produce accurate financial information.
  • Earning a certification demonstrates that a person is at the top of their profession 和 a high performer eligible for pay 和 opportunities.
  • 记账技术不断变化, 有证书的人知道并了解最新的软件.

企业和组织总是需要有能力和准确的簿记员, 认证是在这个行业中进步的最好方式. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 会计数据分析证书 equips bookkeepers to succeed in their current jobs 和 present opportunities for advancement. 
十大正规赌博平台大全排行还提出 会计学位,帮助学生讲商业语言. 的 B.S. 会计学位 provides the full range of skills employers desire in such areas as financial reporting 和 analysis, 管理会计, 审计道德与财务管理. 

Get tips for success from 10 in-field experts to help you climb the career ladder 和 increase your earning potential.